Seitan's Realm are a dream client. The Columbus, Ohio-based business not only run their business ethically, their brand is a fun sandbox to play in. Built on a combination of classic horror films and alt/post/punk music, we speak a common visual language.

The first piece we created for them was the concert poster at right. As Seitan's Realm has so much of its visual identity tied to music, using the same medium that bands use to promote shows felt like a easy fit. The original ibex of the logo was elaborated on, as was the moonscape and star field it is situated in. It stands in a circle of protection.

Charged with the task of creating unique posters for some of their signature dishes, we took classic horror film posters and substituted the original subject matter with decidedly more savory subjects. Appropriate for a business that delivers vegan versions of comfort-food classics. Columbus-centric details are peppered throughout.


Blackswitch Laboratories Logo
Blackswitch Laboratories Materials

Tallgrass Veterinary Imaging Logo

Emporia Granada Logo

Briggs for Kansas House Logo Title

Emporia Granada Event Posters